No-cost training to empower officers and protect communities.
We have never trained a police department whose officers did not want to be better at their jobs.
Using techniques honed through Navy SEAL and Army Special Forces operations, we provide no-cost training to police officers helping them to better understand, and calmly respond to the stressful, “worst-case” situations officers might only see once in a lifetime.
Detect signs of violent activity and understand the impact their escalation of force may have on the situation.
Defuse volatile situations and raise the threshold for when an officer is in fear for their life.
Defend against “worst-case” scenarios including active shooters. Train on high-threat clearance and entry tactics, which are not often taught.
What we deliver:
De-escalation techniques
Stress mitigation and management
Target identification
School violence and active shooter response
Command and control enhancement
Technology integration
Life-Saving Trauma
Mental health peer counseling
If you wish to receive training from Community First, please reach out via email to
communityfirstproject@blueforcestrategies.com highlighting your department and the training shortfalls you are currently experiencing. We will do our best to respond promptly. -
At this time, we do not have a facility. We are able to reduce the cost of training significantly by utilizing the hosting departments facilities. We will work with each department
to identify training needs and training options. Travelling to each city is far less impactful on the
department being trained and allows us to reach more officers. -
Yes, but not through our non-profit. At this time, no-cost training is only available to city, state, and county law enforcement agencies. BlueForce Strategic Action Group is our for-profit training company that offers similar training opportunities for businesses and private security groups. For questions, please email blueforcestag@gmail.com.
The cost to train varies greatly depending on the number of officers and the type of training requested. Please send us an email with your training requirements and we will work with you to create a program that meets your needs.
Yes, we will work with the hosting department to develop a training protocol based on that department’s needs. Each agency has different requirements based on their current training requirements and the changing environment within their communities. We will tailor the training to best impact those needs.
Our instructors will often remain anonymous because of their special operations or law enforcement background. All instructors are prior Navy Seal and Delta Force operators, or specialized supporting personnel from within these communities. Additionally, for leadership and C2 development we employ prior law enforcement personnel to laisse with our partnering departments.
If you would like to be a part of our family, please send a resume to
communityfirstprojcommunityfirstproject@blueforcestrategies.com.ect@blueforcestrategies.com. -
Like any non-profit, we rely heavily on support from our community of followers. Financial donations can be made on our website. Additionally, donated services and facilities can help us offset the cost of training so we can reach more departments.
100% of your donation will directly support Law Enforcement training.
We make communities safer by better preparing police officers to navigate critical on-the-job incidents. Many officer involved confrontations seen in the media end poorly, for both
officer and suspect. We believe this is directly correlated to insufficient training for many of the
police asked to protect our communities. If we are able to provide officers the training they lack,
then we can better prepare them to handle these high-stress situations. A higher level of education, preparation, and training will lead to a better outcome for law enforcement and our communities.